Sunday, September 2, 2012


Waw almost two years this page is empty!
Ibarat rumah yang sudah lama kosong dan tak berpenghuni, mungkin blog ini sudah banyak sarang laba2 dan debu 1 cm! haha..
Hope we'll be back soon!
See yaa...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Angin Desember

Derumu menyapu jiwa-jiwa
Dingin menusuk menggugah kalbu
Kemana kau akan menyeru wahai deru?

Kau hanya melewati jiwa-jiwa
Tapi kemana sebenarnya kau mau?

Semesta seolah mengikuti ayunanmu
menggemerisikan dedauanan
mengalunkan irama semilir
hingga satwa pun meringkuk tergugu
Apakah kau akan pulang saat bulan berganti?
atau tetap menari bersama Januari?

Namun, kenangan akan anggun dinginmu
terpatri dalam jiwa-jiwa
dan kelak bertemu lagi desember tahun nanti..
jika jiwa belum mati..

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wayang Suket

You want something, then you get it, are you happy? You have obsession, then you have chance to do it, are you excited? You can call me "kampungan" or something, but i have obsession to watch theatre in Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Lucky me, friend on my CCF class give me free invitation to watch Wayang Suket Theatre Show on a series event Festival Art Summit Indonesia VI 2010, what a moment :D

So, wednesday night October 6, i went to Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. I feel excited with the aura, with the art circumstances, and also feel great to see splendor building, kind of room in the phantom of the opera, hehe.
I love to see something traditional in contemporary, and exactly Wayang Suket showing it :).
At first, i was imagine that i'll see Wayang Show as a common, there's a puppet, mastermind, and traditional music also. But, i saw different thing, more than just usual Wayang Show, and it's great :)
A man, called Slamet Gundono, who has idea of Wayang Suket. He's also become a mastermind of the show. He has consistently preserved and explored the local indigenous and wisdom of wayang with contemporary touch.  He and his Komunitas Wayang Suket present mixed or call it "Gado-gado" style  of conventional performances such as traditional theatres (lenong, ketoprak, makyong), humour, music, and current issues. They put 'politic issue' in their art language and in their style which is blended on the show. There's a joke about our president, parlement, and religion leader, and also offend our religion atmosphere in Indonesia. Beside that,He tell about prophetic story, such as Ibrahim, Sulaeman, Yusuf, etc, with his style in his "gado-gado" way.
Slamet Gundono play anything, include himself, wayang, human (performer) for delivering the stories. Therefore his show feels in absurdity versus reality, modernity versus traditional, and lucidity versus vagueness. But, because his capability in narrating story with songs while playing Ukulele to combine paradoxes with dramatic structure, it's resulting an attractive performance although we barely understand his language, his art language. 
In Art Summit that i watched, They presented a fragment of Serat Centini adapted by Elizabeth D.Inandiak, French Journalist who learn about Indonesian Culture since a long time. She also narrating  the show, so  we hear 4 languages there, Bahasa, English, French, and Java language. The title of the fragment was "Minggatnya Cebolang". The story is about a young naughty man named Cebolang who flee from his parents, Syek Akhadiyat, to roam and find his self-identity. Through this journey of life and moral, he explores human sexuality and ended up with various affairs of many people, including "ronggeng", immaculate widow or even Reog Dancer. A journey filled with lust, but finally it's also the searh for the One (Illahi), especially after Cebolang met the holy hermit who taught him about Dewa Ruci.
The moral of this story, the journey of Cebolang, is that despite the fall in morality, the man, at the end, will find the water of truth.
Great experience to have a chance watching it, which is art become a tool to deliver any messages of goodness, and also the important thing is to entertain all the viewers :)
Wanna go there much more :D
Credit : Sisca for the invitation :) , Slamet Gundono and His Group, and Art Summit Indonesia commitee for the review

Learn in Anomali

I was running on training this past three weeks. Running means day to day, even weekend, i have to learn and learn on three different trainings. One of them made me learn so hard to get a license. Unfortunatelly, i wasn't fit enough, in a class i was chills, then every evening on my way home, i got nausea. But i just have one thing in mind, Learn! whatever it is, let me gain knowledge a lot. No pain no gain. Then what's interesting in these trainings, me become 'anomali, haha..
First, in the Occupational health and safety training, i was the one who's not a nurse. A nurse as a paramedic in the company has to take part in developing healthcare due to every risk in every job/task inside the company. Hehe well, i'm not a nurse in this case so it means i don't need to do that in my company :p. My side is in my company, we could facilitate all of you for testing your health condition in order to enforce Occupational health.
Next, in Electrocardiograph (ECG) Course, i was the one who's not a doctor. I got little depressed because i don't have knowledge to do diagnosis or interpreting cardiogram result. But, a bit lucky, actually almost all participants do the same, they are GP who learn deeper as beginner about ECG, beside effort to reach "SKP". In my 'anomali' condition on this course, i have empathy that being doctor isn't that easy, i know when they were in college isn't easy, then actually regulation made them to do certification every 5 years if they aren't collecting SKP untill 250 SKP. It means every year they have to get 50 SKP. A course like this around 6 SKP, so in a year they have to do course around six courses. Maybe it's good for maintaining knowledge, but i guess for me it's too high to cost :p. Gladly tough the beginning i was nervous, but in the end i have more confident and pass it all as well.
Finally, my last training is training for Radiation Protection Officer (Petugas Proteksi Radiasi in Bahasa, let's call it PPR). So, i was the one who's not a radiographer. PPR is someone who is mandated by laws (in our country "Undang-Undang") and is appointed by radiation approval owner to implement radiation protection. PPR in performing this task, they must have work permit/license from Bapeten (Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir). So, in this training, i have to learn and get license! Actually, i need all the basic of radiation in order to assurance quality of radiodiagnostic as my responsibility in my company by now, not about get license thing. Radiation has advantage and also danger. We have to justify what's benefit of utilization the radiation, then we have to assure that doses are as low as reasonably achievable. Every work has their own risk. In this case, of course radiographer has a risk of getting radiation. One of radiographer said that a friend of him died in leukemia after 7 years work in fluoroscopy (interventional radiography). Salute for all of you radiographer, for being brave and get me inspiring!
Thanks God for all the lesson you gave to me, make me feel that i only know very very a little from your infinite knowledge. Make me want some more, i pray to have many chances again in the future.
Beside that, when we become 'anomali', we have a lot of chances to understand another and being more respectfull to another :)
-life long learner and part of learning by doing-

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This September...

September, i like the sound of September month. But, for this September, i feel times go slowly. Someone said that if you feel times go very slowly, it means that you're not enjoying your time. Maybe this is right, a lot of time i don't feel good. But still there's a good one, beside some not. Good, i mean there's Ied Mubarak and i have 'quality time' with my family in this moment tough only 2 days holiday. One's that i think not really good is i got sick, and almost 2 weeks untill now, i still feel that i don't get fit enough. This past week, i often got nausea and then throw up of course. Whereas, i have a lot of training to do and of course very much jobs to do (so now, they (jobs) wait for me to finish it), beside i do have a dream to be reached, to be prepared and sadly have to be hung up.
What's worst about this sickness thing, i realize more and more that 'Medication Practice' in Indonesia is tragic or call it's sad and depressing. We know that drugs could be generic, branded, or patent. And i know there's no differences between generic or branded (of course if the drugs have the generic one). They have the same content, but in branded one, you put the brand on it. If we can get drugs with same effect because their same content, why should peoples pay very expensive for (branded) drugs? My point is patients have rights to know and to choose their drugs. Doctor writes the receipt for the drugs with any brands without asking patients whether patients want to choose or capable to pay generic or branded one. When patients come to pharmacy they'll get shock with the payment. It's oke when it comes to affluent one, how if it comes to poor one? 
I got true experience on this situation in this sickness thing, i got a lot medications. Then when i came to Pharmacy, i got shock with the number of rupiah. I'm not that really smart one in the college, but i know enough about drugs, I asked what's the content of the drugs and etc. And for only that antibiotic, analgesic, antiinfluenza, etc,  it's not the worth number (and later i guess it's not the right prescription for my indication). I asked for the generic one, it's available, and of course the cost is less half from the branded one. See? why didn't give me generic one straightly? (asked my self pretending don't know what's behind,haha)
In a news, i read that in Indonesia, even generic, still the most expensive in Asia. Oh well, is it all about we import all the raw materials?  hmm, i doubt that..
This piece of thought is sounding in my head, maybe i know nothing about it all, just asking why oh why. Give me time to learn the answer and later hope i could participate to share in health area, as part of my dream. 
-grumble in the night and part of learning by doing-

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Mendengar itu penting ya, dengan mendengar kita terkomunikasi dengan yang lain, mengetahui jika ada bahaya, dan tentu saja dengan mendengar kita dapat menikmati musik dan tawa. Pendengaran yang baik memungkinkan kita mendengar tawa seorang teman, tangisan seorang bayi, dan mendengar desau angin menyentuh pepohonan. Tanpa itu, kita akan merasa terisolasi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Kita adalah Social Creature Makhluk sosial, dan mendengar menjadi poin kritis kita untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.

Betapa selalu takjub saya melihat bagaimana tubuh kita bekerja, dan oleh karena itu juga saya sangat menyukai materi anatomi dan fisiologi manusia. Jadi syukur itu terpanjat dengan melihat keagungan integrasi fungsi setiap detail tubuh kita. Subhanallah :)

Teringat waktu jaman tugas akhir, mendalami sang ginjal dan serba-serbinya, dan sungguh amaze saya dengan si mini ginjal yang sungguh fungsional, anatomi mikro yang sangat kompleks dan terintegrasi. Sekarang, beruntung saya bisa belajar dan bekerja, bertemu lagi untuk bisa mendalami anatomi fisiologi. Baru saja sedang mengakrabi sang telinga..

Karena hobi mendengarkan musik, berbicara dan mendengar orang lain, hingga mendengar kesunyian, telinga tentu menjadi favorit. Ketika belajar fisika jaman sekolah, mengetahui bagaimana objek bervibrasi sehingga menghasilkan bunyi, terkadang bingung bagaimana itu nyatanya, ternyata itu tersimulasi di telinga kita. Begitu gelombang/stimulus masuk ke telinga kita, maka telinga bagian luar akan mengubah stimulus tersebut menjadi sinyal akustik di gendang telinga. Nah gendang telinga ini bervibrasi atau bergetar, lalu getarannya merambat ke tulang kecil di telinga yang namanya seperti kembar tiga (Maleus, Incus, Stapeus). Dari telinga tengah tersebut, disampaikan sinyalnya ke rumah siput, dan rumah siput mengubah sinyal menjadi impuls saraf. Disampaikanlah impuls saraf oleh saraf pendengaran ke otak untuk diinterpretasi apakah yang kita dengar itu. Luar biasanya, itu semua terjadi dengan cepat, bayangkan saja, setiap detik kita mendengar dan menginterpretasikan suara bukan?

Huwoo, anatomy and physiology, heart it!
This just me want to blow it a bit!
see you then

Happy Fasting everyone! :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pulau bira

Lari dari kota,
mabuk di laut,
mendarat di pulau,
menyerap alam!
Pulau Bira, Juli 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Karate Kid

Escaping from busy heavy working, i went to a movie. Yeah, me wathcing Karate Kid to get little pleasure this time..

Good movie i think, congested in one quote "If life beats you, you choose to rise up or fall down"
This movie remembering me to that kind of tournamen, in my teenager. Missing that moment a lot.
In that time, i didn't just learn about how to fight but i learn how to live, how to feel solidarity and sportsmanship then also got a lot wisdom in it from someone that i called teacher and anyone that i called brothers and sisters. Hope God Bless him and all of them.

Keep Fight and Never Give Up!
See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.

And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It's my destiny.

I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never.

I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower.
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea.
(Good words J.B.!)