Not much to say..
Just seeing around and enjoy the evening..
Feel the aura..
and let all crush to fly away..
These are some pieces from there, from shiny shine to elegant darkness :)

J'étude Français..
Je chante Français..
J'étude et chante Français ^_^
*I love this song and gladly now i know how to spell it, ahiiy*
Sung and written by Édith Piaf in the beginning of our delacration of independent (1946). But actually i like Sophie milman version, who's a Russian born jazz, hehe.
There are so many interpretation of this song. Someone translates "La vie en rose" as "Life in Pink". It's an expression that means that life is beautiful. It would be something like "the beautiful life" or something like that. The whole expression is "voir la vie en rose" ("to see life in pink"), which means seeing life in a positive way, seeing the beauty in life. What a nice!
Another interpretation is "life in shades of perfection" or anything like "life seems perfect to me". Well well, which one that you choose? :D
Anyway Madam Geny (mon professeur) would be angry with me if i try to translate anything in french to Indonesian or English, hihihi. Désolé Madam!
la vie en rose
Des yeux qui font baiser les miens,
Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche,
Voila le portrait sans retouche
De l'homme auquel j'appartiens
Quand il ma prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
Il me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.
Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Don't je connais la cause
Il est pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
IL me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.
Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat
Des nuits d'amour a ne plus en finir
Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
Des enuis des chagrins, des phases
Heureux, heureux a en mourir.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas,
Je vois la vie en rose.
IL me dit des mots d'amour,
Des mots de tous les jours,
Et ca me fait quelque chose.
Il est entre dans mon coeur
Une part de bonheur
Don't je connais la cause.
Il est pour moi. Moi pour lui
Dans la vie,
IL me l'a dit, l'a jure pour la vie.
Et des que je l'apercois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon coeur qui bat
Pagi ini rasanya penat..
Ingin secangkir kopi pekat..
tapi kuseduh cappuccino..
yang sedikit menyingkirkan ego..
Apapun kopinya akan selalu terasa pahit..
Jika terus menyimpan rasa sakit..
Saatnya mendunia..
Melihat kebaikan yang nyata..
Selamat menikmati kopi anda masing-masing kawan!
This is one of letters from my friends. Maybe we know about this life thinking but sometimes we forget, but just read a story then we get some inspiration to refresh again. In this topic, we shared about "Friday i'm in love", well not just about falling for someone or something, but we defined our falling definiton each other. For this one, i wanna share it out from my inbox. Hoping you get inspiration too. Thanks to Yussi Asri Widyasari for this email (i'm in office too, while everyone is working, I’m also working but the difference is that I’m working to read your story ci. Hahahaha) and Resty Yulidayani who started this topic (who's in "norak-dangdut-bombay" condition :-*,ahaha). Let's share this to anyone :)
Dear all,
3 idiots movie is my AHA moment. Great Indian movie!! Love it..
I feel like I’m slapped by a movie. U should watch it juuummmm..hahahahhahaaa.. So touchy. It’s about learning, friendship, family, and life. Complete movie I think.
My Friday is full of feeling. Up and down, happy and sad, laugh and cry. Ihihihihihi…somehow watching 3 idiots make me realize a lot of things.
Well, this Friday maybe I’m not in love. But knowing that I’m being loved by my family and my best friends around me, I can say it’s a lot better. I realize that positive thinking is hard, but I think positive feeling is the hardest. I’m on my way there.
Today is Saturday. While most of u spend u’re leisure time at home, I still have to work. Guess what? It’s not bothering me anymore. Hehehe…
The most important thing is not what you haven’t had, but what you’ve thanked for what you already have.
I was thought that I’m nothing. I don’t have a lot of money. I don’t earn much money and I’m not came from a rich family background. I’m not the one who has an excellent brain with a great GPA. I’m not the one who has many talents. I don’t have a big house or car. I’m not a spectacular pretty girl. Right now I have no boyfriend, I have no one that I love and someone that in love with me. If many people think or prepare for their marriage, for me I even couldn’t think anything about it because I have no clue at all about where, when, how, and who I’m going to be married with. Those facts were make me a little bit sad.
I think quite some time, then I realize that whether I’m nothing or not, am I not happy with my life? The fact is I’m still alive. Then I ask myself again. If I don’t have much money, is that mean I cant enjoy my life? Nope, I still can eat, drink, and sleep well. What’s wrong if I only earn a little money? Nothing wrong, I still can have my own vacation and enjoy my life. Is rich family background mean a lot? Not at all, I mean every family has its own problem, but everything can be solved as long as we support each other. What’s the matter with GPA and talents?? Is that guaranteed that you’ll be successful? NO! some successful people even get drop out from their school.
Boyfriend?? Well, since broken heart is common in life, why should I worry? I mean I also have ever broken somebody’s heart right? What u give is what u get, why I have to be worried?? Good woman will always get good man, just believe it. It could be I’m not that good or he’s not that good. It just the matter of time, he’s somewhere and he tries very hard to come to see you. What should I worry about something that even hasn’t happened yet?? Ahhahaahaha… somehow that’s make me understand a lot of things.
Are you worry about not getting a job? Worry about when will u get marry? Worry about your salary? Worry about whether he’s still care for u or not? Worry about he’s gonna forget about you? Worry about I’m not appropriate for him? Worry about you physical appearance? COME ON!! When will u be happy then, if you think too much about your lack?
HEHEHE… I’m sorry if my story is bored. I just wanna share how I feel lately. I’m sure you’re in good condition and feeling now, but if you’re not I hope my story could give u some inspiration (I mean sometimes life is up and down, for me read or look on other’s happiness and sadness somehow could make me up again)
Cheerful everyone… ;)
For those who’s in love, totally happy for u all. Ihihihihii…
Have a great life!!
See u all soon
Hug and kiss,
(in office, while everyone is working, I’m also working but the difference is that I’m working to send u my story. Hahahaha…sssstttt… :P)