Thursday, June 24, 2010

Karate Kid

Escaping from busy heavy working, i went to a movie. Yeah, me wathcing Karate Kid to get little pleasure this time..

Good movie i think, congested in one quote "If life beats you, you choose to rise up or fall down"
This movie remembering me to that kind of tournamen, in my teenager. Missing that moment a lot.
In that time, i didn't just learn about how to fight but i learn how to live, how to feel solidarity and sportsmanship then also got a lot wisdom in it from someone that i called teacher and anyone that i called brothers and sisters. Hope God Bless him and all of them.

Keep Fight and Never Give Up!
See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.

And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It's my destiny.

I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up,
Pick it up up up,
And never say never.

I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower.
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea.
(Good words J.B.!)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hari ini disela rapat-merapat di kantor, saya berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan pelatihan oleh Pak Andrias Harefa. Beliau seorang penulis dan trainer. Salah satu bukunya yang saya lahap habis adalah Menjadi Manusia Pembelajar. Dan dia salah satu trainer yang sangat lucu (kalau boleh sih menurut saya dia menggemaskan, haha) karena sangat ekspresif, cukup menghibur, dan sangat atraktif untuk berjoged dan bernyanyi. Haha..

Dua point penting yang menurut saya menarik dari pelatihan yang beliau sampaikan, yaitu mengenai perspektif dan kekuatan kata "BISA".

Coba pikirkan, seberapa sering kita (saya) merasa kurang memiliki passion dan semangat? Kalau saya pikir-pikir pasti ada masanya dalam hidup untuk seperti itu. Tapi saya sadar apakah harus selalu ada pikiran itu? Kenapa harus ada kalau kita sudah memiliki perspektif hidup yang pasti? Berarti ingat saja, ketika kita tidak cukup bersemangat, berarti kita sedang kehilangan perspektif dalam hidup.

Selama ini, kita biasanya menjargonkan bisa bisa bisa tanpa tahu bagaimana otak itu bekerja. Padahal banyak kekuatan yang bisa kita gali disana. Ketika kita di dalam alam sadar kita memutuskan dan mengarahkan untuk menjadi bisa, maka pasukan alam bawah sadar akan mendukung segalanya agar terwujud. Jika kita berkata tidak bisa, maka alam bawah sadar akan menyusun segala alasan yang melemahkan kita dan mewujudkan ketidakbisaan kita. Jadi kita harus bisa menjadi tuan bagi diri kita sendiri, kita yang harus mengarahkan akan seperti apa kita.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Wavin Flag

Not because world cup happening right now, but me in silence just hear and imagine the lyric of  waving flag is very deep and strong (even my friend said it's sad). Then i found an issue sounding in this song, it's freedom, and an optimism of what future brings. Optimism means there's human spirit in struggling of what they fighting for on (what they called) freedom and believe that future brings them a better situation.

Looking for what people imagine about this song, well here i found some peoples define this song, good interpretation and inspiration...
Generally a waving flag is a symbol of freedom. It does give the impression of something powerful, free, relentless, the movements don't stop, it goes back and forth over and over again. You also can't have your flag waving freely without having the political and physical freedom to do so.

But ironically a flag is bound to the pole, it's not really going anywhere ever. Still, as the song say this is his home, it's all he has ever known. Perhaps being free doesn't mean flying away from the land, but to have the power to stand right there, proud and strong and above many struggles, overcoming them. 

When I get older
I will be stronger
(A reference to his childhood, during the South African apartheid and a lot of racism will still be around)

They'll call me 'Freedom'
just like a wavin' flag
(He dreams of a day when blacks and whites can co-exist together in freedom, just like a waving flag, united under one banner)

and then it goes back, and then it goes back
and then it goes back, and then it goes . . .
(His dreams are shattered, nothing is changing, we're going backwards)

Born to a throne, stronger than Rome
(He considers himself well known among the black populations. Together, the blacks (and the whites) are stronger than Rome, and can change things forever (like the Romans did), but the strength of 'Rome' is being used against itself in these ghettos)

but violent-prone, poor people zone,
But it's my home, all I have known,
where I got grown, streets we would roam
(Generally, there is a higher than average % of black people living in Ghettos. They are violent prone, poor, but it's his home and all he's known. He's saying that if blacks want to be equal they have to prove they are just the same as us)

Out of the darkness, I came the farthest
out of the hardest survival
Learn from these streets, it can be bleak,
accept no defeat, surrender retreat
(These ghettos can change people, make people violent prone, he's encouraging people to stay strong united in a common cause working for the good of everyone)

So we strugglin'
fightin' to eat
and we wonderin'
when we'll be free
so we patiently wait
for that fateful day
it's not far away,
but for now we say:
(People may think that with such awful things happening in the world, nothing will ever get fixed, but he's encouraging them to stay faithful, and although governments around the world are against racism, mental scars and mindsets between races still exist, which will take some time, but not as much time as we would think ;) )

So many wars, settlin' scores,
bringing us promises, leaving us poor,
(I'm not sure how this links into racism, perhaps the war between Somalia (K'naan's home country) and the USA? And how the Somalia warlords left the population poor for their own benefit)

I heard them say, love is the way
love is the answer, that's what they say
(Again, governments and famous people say that love is the way and we're all equal)

But look how they treat us, make us believers
we fight their battles, then they deceive us
(But the Somalian warlords (could also be a reference to South African apartheid) use them, manipulate them away from love and towards hatred)

try to control us, they couldn't hold us
'cause we just move forward like Buffalo soldiers
(But united together they can make a stand against racism and wars, together, blacks can unite as 'buffalo soldiers' to move forward and help spread peace in Africa)

Well, have you ever define what freedom really is? or just remembering freedom quote in our independence day? which is not totally "independence" i think, yeah maybe just because..
"Mankind is always struggling for progress. To reach a greater state of being. We always fall back. Relentlessly. But despite this all, we're strong."

Credit : peoples on

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is it good or bad romance?

If someone couldn't be here forever, couldn't be with us forever..
maybe in mind, i still see you through, and maybe you see me through..
then we can continue conquer the world in each our mind, in each our way, in yours, and in mine..
(Haha what the hell am i saying)

"I'm glad
At least in my life
I've found someone
That may not be here forever
To see me through
But I found strength in you
Cause in my mind
You will stay here always..

You and i.."

romance this song
You and I

Monday, June 7, 2010

Laugh in temptation

Hidup ini lucu ya? haha, i mean sometime in our mourning period or in each tears or in a sad time, we can laugh! (am i crazy or something?haha..)

Yeah what happened recently oh life?

I made my choice to said enough is enough, give up on "something". To be happy for anyone else happiness. To let "the one" has a wings to be free. Goodbye is hurt but maybe it's better to take it. Maybe i can see in the name of losing, i'm in the middle of finding something. Hmmm so in whatever it's called mourning or sad time, i try to smile (sorry i can't say that i can laugh for this, smile is maximum for this case) for my own optimism and i hope for "your" happiness.

What's another thing this time?
Yeah let's back in bahasa, haha. Kost oh kost, tetangga oh tetangga. Setelah beberapa kejadian ga enak sebelum-sebelumnya, mulai dari usir mengusir penghuni kost yg ga jelas juntrungannya, trus perang teluk sayap atas, karaoke nan pede dan berisik kemana-mana, sampe dilabrak tukang sapu untuk hal yang sepele tapi berbuah caci maki, nah sekarang ada kejadian yang tak kalah menarik dan menegangkan (haha gilak bahasa!). Penghuni kost baru nan 'lugu' hoalah ternyata ke-gap tatkala berniat 'menerobos' kamar kostan penghuni yang lain. But lucky, terlanjur ketahuan sehingga tuh pelaku ber-acting menjadi pemasang sepatu kawakan. Ckck, ada-ada saja, sukses sekali membuat saya parno dan was was. Teringat kejadian dulu pula di sudut Jakarta ini, saat tragedi menjadi korban 'intip'. Belum lagi rejeki yang raib tiba-tiba sampe kejadian nyaris dicopet. Itu semua semakin membentuk pikiran, you can't trus anyone here!  Yah mungkin semakin besar kota, semakin banyak karakter orang, dan semakin banyak kesempatan kita untuk bertemu orang-orang 'yang tidak baik'. So, it makes me not to be too naive. 
For this, make me smile cynically then laugh a bit. Sudah saatnya mencari tempat berteduh yang lebih nyaman!

What's on this night?
Selama ini Jakarta kebanjiran saya hanya bisa mengiba. Tapi bagaimana jika terjadi di kamar sendiri? Yeah, surprising me, when back home (yeah not truly home, it's a room for me to take shelter temporary this time on my self forging time) in late at night after a tiring day and in this mourning period, i got my room flooding! Oh yeah, kamar saya kebanjiran kawan. Terbengong awalnya, dan hanya bisa berkata, Ya Allah ada-ada saja, terima kasih atas cobaannya. Kerja basahlah saya berusaha mengeluarkan air dari sudut kamar, dari bawah ranjang, yeah dari seluruh kamar. Sadly, buku-buku saya yang saya simpan di keranjang lantai harus basah juga. Maklum kalau sudah urusan buku saya overpossesif, jadi itu cukup membuat saya menyesal. Anyone help me? 
My blue moody side need protection from any kind of bad and from flooding water..hoho
But this night, i was laughing!
Laughing for all bitter sweet in this 24 hours in my life. Losing, scaring, then flooding! hahaha..
Whatever happened to me, maybe it's just nothing, i'm not woman who's in the middle of brutality in Gaza, not woman who lost her child, or anything bitter..
Well, Thanks God for these (if it had to called) temptations, make me wiser than before, stronger than before..Amin!


June 7, 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hidden Agenda

Jadilah tegar dan sabar bila Allah menetapkan ujian di titik terlemah kita..

Ia hendak menjadikan kita lebih kuat dan meminta pertolongannya dengan sabar dan shalat..

Berhentilah untuk lalai,
menggantungkan diri pada dia makhluk yang tiada daya membantu kita..

Bangkitlah pendar-pendar kesadaran dan logika dalam jiwa..

Menjatuhkan diri pada perasaan, menjuruskanmu pada titik terlemahmu..

-find this hidden on my agenda-